Don’t expect strawberries if you planted a lemon tree.

I became obsessed with all things farming and hunting in my early teens. As such, I one day decided that I would start a vegetable garden in our backyard. My parents loved the idea and provided support for my project. So, with their approval, I set off.

One of the first things I did was research what kind of vegetables to grow. When deciding, a significant factor was weather and location. Since we lived in Florida, I had to select the appropriate vegetables for the season. With that in mind, I started with tomatoes, sweet potatoes, strawberries, lettuce, carrots, peppers, and green beans.

The next step was finding the right seeds. I purchased starter seeds for almost all the vegetables except the sweet potatoes. For the sweet potatoes, I took the sprouting section of one we had, called a slip, and used that. What amazed me about this process was how an entire sweet potato could grow from planting a tiny piece.

In time my garden flourished but not without its challenges. Occasionally bugs would get to the veggies, and I had to create a natural pesticide. Other times other animals got to them. However, when I did reap a harvest, everyone in the family enjoyed the unique flavor and health benefits of naturally grown fresh veggies.

As a “farmer,” I came to expect that I would reap what I had sown in time. But, also, due to my investment of time and resources, others enjoyed and benefited from the harvest.

This farming experience was one of the most memorable of my youth because it also taught me how Scripture says the same. For example, when I planted strawberries, I got strawberries, not lemons. Although the fruit didn’t always turn out exactly as I expected, it was always what I sowed.

In general, if we sow bad things, we will reap bad things, and if we sow good things, we will reap good things. For example, try to instill biblical values in your children, make a date night with your wife, spend quality time with friends, and help out a troubled brother. However, remember that you may not always get the desired results. Regardless, Scripture tells us we must still try.

In essence, don’t expect strawberries if you planted a lemon tree.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Galatians 6:7-9

7 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. 8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. 9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.


First pray for insight and understanding of God’s word. Then and most importantly, how to apply it.


Contemplate and meditate on or memorize the passage. What is God saying to you?


How will you apply this to your life?


How will you share what you learned with others?