In an episode of The Office,  HR director Toby returns to the office talking about a recent wilderness retreat he took with newly minted V.P. Ryan and other branch managers. Upset about not being invited, branch Manager Michael decides he’s going to make a retreat of his own. 

Wanting to prove to everyone he can survive in the wilderness alone, Michael decides to strand himself in the wilderness for a few days with only a knife and a roll of duct tape. He then asks Dwight to leave after dropping him off. However, Dwight knows that Michael does not have the proper wilderness survival skills and decides to stay behind out of sight.

As time passes by, we see that Michael is indeed incapable of living out in the wild by himself. He fumbles around the woods attempting to fashion a shelter made of his suit and then goes out to find food. He comes across a wild mushroom group and, unaware they are highly poisonous, begins to eat them. In that instance, Dwight jumps out of hiding and runs to tackle Michael and starts pulling the mushrooms from his mouth. 

This episode reminds me of how scripture tells us how we can all put ourselves in danger when we try to survive alone. We come across temptations and trials that we think we can handle on our own but, unbeknown to us, are deadly. In those times, we need a fellow brother to jump in and help us discern the danger. Take the time today to foster the relationship that will save you tomorrow.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on James 5:19-20.


Who can you call or be that brother to someone in need? Be real; be honest.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Pray and ask God to help you find a brother or be a brother to someone in need. Determine how you will foster that relationship.

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Share this with a fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.


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