Thirteen years ago today, God blessed us with the arrival of our first son. His life is an example of faith beyond what I ever expected. Before his birth, my wife’s doctor told her it would be challenging for her to conceive, if not impossible. Disheartened, she gave me the news.

Without hesitation, I reminded her that God is greater than any man. He can accomplish the impossible for His glory. That day we prayed and dedicated my son’s life to God. Our prayer was that if God were gracious enough to grant us this desire, we would honor him by raising him in his way. We prayed this daily for almost a year.

Then around the year, my wife became pregnant. We rejoiced and made our preparations for his arrival. My wife had a normal pregnancy, and on September 7th, 2007, she delivered a healthy baby boy. Ever since then, every decision regarding his life has involved God. Even his name, “creative gift from God,” reflects our dedicating his life to Him.

More than this, I’m witnessing his spiritual and physical transformation to maturity. In this, I, too, continue to be transformed spiritually and physically. The man I was when my son was born is not the man I am today, nor will I be tomorrow. I’m continually being transformed into Christ’s likeness and have faith this will never be complete until I pass.

Many men believe manhood is something you reach at a certain age, a right of passage. However, authentic manhood is not about “arriving” but rather a lifelong pursuit of Godly living. Manhood is a continual submission to God’s will and transformation, which he will eventually complete when we leave this broken, sin infected body, and He gives us a new one. Manhood means being on a mission for Christ.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on 1 Corinthians 13:11-12


What is your definition of manhood, and how does it compare with scripture? Be real; be honest.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Pray and ask God to give you a new heart and a renewed spirit to follow Christ. Create a plan of action of how you will do this daily. Be specific.

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