Some time ago, I was impressed by a woman at work and her work ethic. Curious, I asked her how she found joy in her job. Without hesitation, she said, “My Lord and Savior gives me the strength.” I commended her and encouraged her to continue setting the example for us all. After that brief encounter, I thought about how this woman, a humble cleaning lady, committed so much of herself to a job others disregard as lowly.

Over the next couple of weeks, I observed her consistent dedication to excellence, and we casually exchanged “hellos” and “good days.” However, one day she stops and mentions she has a message for me. First, however, she proceeds to explain how she lives in full obedience to God. Sometimes it’s challenging and difficult but always rewarding.

Unlike other days, this day, she felt compelled to give me a “good word” and proceeded to draw out three scrolls from her hand and told me to pick one. “Thank you very much, but I’m also a follower of Christ. Maybe it would be best if you give this to someone else here,” I commented. “I don’t know about that. All I know is God said you need this,” she replied. Taken back and seeing her conviction, I accepted the gift.

To my surprise, the scroll contained a message with answers to a struggle I was going through that week—this, the third scriptural affirmation and confirmation of what I should be doing. Most encouraging was this came shortly after an earlier conversation with a fellow leader about being “refueled” as we’re always the ones fueling others.

I thanked her again, and she then shared with me all the struggles she’s endured for her obedience to God but yet joyfully sees no other way to live. It was inspiring to see someone so strongly led by the Spirit that she boldly shares the gospel despite the possible rejection.

Scripture teaches us we must all live like this woman. Boldly proclaiming the gospel and living in such a way others see the gospel in us.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on James 2:1-8.


What has Christ tasked you with that you are not doing? What’s holding you back?  Be real; be honest.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Pray and ask God to give you the courage and strength to be obedient to his word and calling. Determine how you will submit to His will. Be specific.

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