The other night as we discussed our lives and the sometimes overbearing challenges we face, one of the men mentioned his desk. As we discussed these challenges over a Zoom call, he mentions how his desk is a giant mess. He says that there are scattered papers everywhere, knick nacks all over, and some things he’s not sure why they’re there. He then mentioned how he needed to “clean house.” This conversation got me thinking about what our desks say about us.

It turns out there’s more to your desk than you think. According to some studies, desks reflect characteristics of our personality. A recent article in Reader’s Digest suggests 17 Things Your Desk Says About Your Personality. Here are a few which stood out. First, having family pictures or pictures of loved ones on your desk means that relationships are important to you. Another is that if your desk is barely visible and somewhat messy, you may be a creative innovator at heart. On the opposite side of this spectrum, a super tidy and organized desk may signify you prefer order and rules. Similar in nature, if you have a desk covered n awards and trophies, then you may be goal-oriented. 

Overall, desks are an extension of who we are and hidden behind how we interact with the world. This discovery reminds me how we all tend to display a persona in front of the screen, while behind the screen, we’re a different person. Today take the time to evaluate your desk and determine if you’re honest with yourself and others. If not, what do you need to change, reorganize or remove?

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and think about Matthew 5:14..


Pray and ask for God to help you see the way others see you and how this compares to the way you see yourself.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Today take the time to evaluate yourself and if you’re honest with yourself and others. Ask others what they think about you then determine what you need to keep, change, reorganize or remove.

Share / Show:

Share and show what you’ve learned with someone else.


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