When I first started fishing I did’t know much and would head out to a lake and use plastic lures I read about in ads. I frequently caught some small mouth bass using these and felt pretty good. When I tried the same approach at different times in different places, it didn’t work so well.

One of the most important things I learned was getting the appropriate bait for the fish I wanted to catch. A good fisherman knows what kind of bait that fish prefers. This also means using the right hook. Too small and the smaller fish nibble off the bait, too large and it won’t set.

Over time I tested various types of baits and hooks to see which ones worked best. I also tried to focus on a specific kind of fish to find the best combination. Despite all this, there were times I didn’t catch anything and felt frustrated. But the days I was successful were awesome.

This is how the enemy works. He’s learned over time the best bait and hook to snag you. When you don’t take it he becomes frustrated but will come back another day. We find victory in knowing we are strengthened in Christ to fend off and not take the bait. If we do, but repent, Christ will rescue us and release us back out to fulfill our purpose.

FX3 Challenge:


Read and meditate on Galatians 5:16-25. What do these verses say to you?


What area in your life have you been snagged in sin and struggling to be released?

Meditate / Make It Real:

What will it take for you to repent and ask Jesus to set you free from this?

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