In 2014, NASA made history by sending a design file to the International Space Station’s 3-D printer to print a ratchet wrench. “In less than a week, the ratchet was designed, approved by safety and other NASA reviewers, and the file was sent to space where the printer made the wrench in four hours.” said Niki Werkheiser.

Before this, NASA conducted more than 1,600 experiments. Various investigators, staff, engineers, and even students in more than 80 countries, worked together to send millions of commands from locations worldwide to station experiments.

“We wanted to work this just like we would for tools that the astronauts will 3-D print and use on the station,” explained Werkheiser. “This wrench will not be used in space, but what if it were a tool the crew needed? We are breaking new ground not only in the way we manufacture in space but also in the way we operate and approve space hardware that is built in space, rather than launched from Earth.”

The need to print tools on command is because it can take months or even years to get equipment to space, and for some missions, resupply from Earth may be impossible. “If you can transmit a file to the station as quickly as you can send an email, it opens up endless possibilities for all the types of things…” Werkheiser said.

We, too, have specific instructions sent to us not from the ground up, but from above. God has given us the bible as our manual to build and live a fulfilling life here on Earth. We need to download the information into our hearts and minds to use it effectively.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on John 12:44-50


What is you view of the bible and what it has to say? Be real; be honest.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Pray and ask God to grant you wisdom to read and understand the Bible. Also, create a bible study plan. Be specific.

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