“See, all of those weeds and ugly plants are growing over the nicer ones. Can we just rip them out?” my wife asked. “Yes, we can, but the weeds will continue to come back. they require constant maintenance.” I replied. “Well, we need to do what we need to do then,” she replied. “Agreed,” I said.

Shortly after, I got into the garden area and started to “clean house,” as they say. However, the closer I looked, the more apparent it became the problem was much more pervasive. In addition to the individual rogue weeds, there were also thorny many weeds growing underneath the useful plants. This issue required I pull each one out individually. It took me a few hours to clear the entire area.

When I finished, there stood two 55-gallon contract bags stuffed to the brim, barely able to close. What’s more, the bags weighed a ton. Although individually each weed looked light and frail, when I stuffed them all in the bags, they were cumbersome and heavy to carry. Next I hauled them over to the back of my truck and headed over to the recycling center to dispose of them.

When I returned from my trip, I surveyed the area and was greatly satisfied with the work. Most importantly, my wife was delighted. However, all my efforts were short-lived, as a couple of weeks later, the weeds started coming back. This time though, I didn’t wait as long as last time and started pulling them before it became overwhelming.

This story reminds me of how the thorns and weeds of life can quickly overtake our spiritual life. When were’ not careful, the pleasures, worries, and riches of this world will take precedence over our time with God.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on Luke 8:14.


Pray and ask God to help you identify the weeds and thorns in your life .

Meditate / Make It Real:

Continue to pray the verse and meditate on the thought:  How will you clear out those weeds and thorns in your life and make more time for God?

Share / Show:

Share and show what you’ve learned with someone else.


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