The other day out of curiosity I decided to research seeds. As we all know, all plants start life as a seed. Without seeds, there would be no plants and the Earth would be a barren place unable to sustain the many forms of life that surround us every day. Yet despite their small size, they contain all the food and instructions necessary to sprout to life as a plant.

Initially, a seed starts out only focused on itself. It’s primary focus is on making it’s own food from nutrients it takes from the soil. As it grows it will send out roots as it needs more water and nutrients to continue growing. Eventually however, this plant will reach a point of producing it’s own fruit to start a new generation.

These fruits bear the results of all the time and effort the plant took to grow. Fruit has to purposes, protection and dispersal. In the end, the fruit must first die to itself so that the seed may produce life.

This should be the purpose of our life. We met first die to our self-centereness, our selfish ambitions so that we can produce fruit that is healthy and desirable to others. In time, we will produce a harvest beyond out expectation. We may never see it fully, but we can have faith in our fruit, otherwise known as legacy.

FX3™ Challenge:


Read and meditate on Galatians 5:22-26. What do these verses tell you?


What kind of fruit are you producing?

Meditate / Make It Real:

What one thing today will you start doing today to live fruitful life for the benefit of others?

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