The other day during our group study a fellow brother recounted a recent experience he had driving a Nascar race car. David spoke in detail on how he went to a track where he was allowed to take this powerful machine at blazing speeds through tight corners and straightaways. The excitement in his voice was contagious as he explained the thrill of the moment.

At one point he mentions having a combination of fear and enjoyment of driving at high speeds. He overcame this fear remembering what the instructors told him prior to taking the wheel, “Trust the equipment. This car has been built specifically for this. It’s been calibrated and adjusted for this track at these speeds”. Afterwards, he was able to drive the car to it’s full potential.

FX3 Challenge:


Read and meditate on Proverbs 3:5-6. What do these verses say to you?


What areas in your life are you struggling with to gain control or improve your outcome?

Meditate / Make It Real:

How will you start to trust in God and His word to take you to the finish line?

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