When I was about then years old, I went to visit my family overseas. One day during my stay with them, my grandmother and two uncles headed out to run some errands. My uncle Tony was at driving.

As we approached an intersection, he decided he was going to take the yellow light because we were running behind schedule. As we drove across the intersection, a car came from the left lane straight toward us. In an instant, my uncle turned the steering wheel sharply to the right.

The car was then headed straight toward a gas station. Seeing this, he yanked the steering wheel to the left. At that moment, I could feel the left side of the car lift up and start to balance on two wheels. All I could think about in those few seconds was us flipping over and dying. Suddenly, however, the car stopped, and the side of the car came down. We were in the middle of the intersection, shaken and startled.

I want to say that was the only close call with death, but it wasn’t. Throughout my life, I’ve experienced different moments similar to this. Knowing this, I’ve tried to make each day count for God. As I grow older, I see God’s words resonate true in that we all have an appointed time regardless of what we do. God is in control of everything. When we are born and when we are to die. This truth doesn’t mean I live recklessly but instead responsibly making the most of my days for Him.

FX3 Fuel For Pray:


Read and meditate on Job 14:5. What does this verse say to you?


How have you been living each day? Journal it.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Determine how you will make the most each day for God and what He wants you to do. Share this with a fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.

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