Undercover Boss is a television franchise series that features senior executives working undercover in their own companies to investigate how their companies work. They go in “undercover” to evaluate what’s working, what’s not, and identify how they can improve their companies. Along the way, they also reward hard-working employees.

The other day as I was watching a re-run of Undercover Boss. I witnessed how one company owner was completely unaware of the work his employees were doing. He seemed lost and out of touch. It was made even worse by the fact that the company wasn’t also that big.

He was in that position due to his credentials as a “guru.” However, it appeared he never bothered to roll up his sleeves and understand the company and its employees. Eventually, he realized he needed to spend time digging deep into the company operations and have more face-to-face with the staff.

This story reminds me that we have a boss that took the opposite approach. When Jesus arrived, he experienced everything we did. He was God incarnate yet lived as a man. Jesus ate, cried, tired, stressed, laughed, worked, and as a result, profoundly understands and sympathizes with us. What’s more, he gave us an example to follow and show what was possible.

Daily Directive:


Read and meditate on Hebrews 2:17-18 for yourself. What do these verses say to you? Meditate on it, memorize it, do whatever it takes for it to sink in.


How does knowing Jesus, as a man, endured and triumphed over the same things you did, impact your life? Journal the journey. Be real. Be honest.

Meditate / Make It Real:

What will you do today to start living a victorious life with and through Christ? Share this with a fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.

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