Not long ago, I had the honor of working alongside a fantastic group of men and women for a great cause. During those months, we met, prayed, and discussed the organization’s goals and objectives. On this board were people for varying backgrounds and ages. One of the people I connected with was Bill.

Bill is a successful business owner dedicated to his business and family but, more importantly, to the Lord’s work. I met Bill one morning when I sat next to him during one of our board meetings. Prompted to get to know him better, I told him, “We should get together for lunch and talk.” He agreed, but as the months went by, we couldn’t manage to coordinate our schedules.

We finally did end up meeting, and I was glad we did. Despite our vastly different cultural background and more than thirty-year age difference, we both discovered many similarities between us. Most importantly, the way we’re living out our faith as men of God. It was encouraging to see synergy in our efforts and how God works through different people with the same Spirit.

This account reminds me that when we align ourselves under God’s will, he will accomplish much more through us. We’ll witness the power of unity in the Spirit and confirmation we’re on the right path.

FX3 Daily D:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on John 15:5-8 for yourself. 


How are you connected to the vine? What evidence do you have of this? Be real, be honest, and be vulnerable.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Create a plan of action on how you will commit to bear fruit. Be specific.

Share / Show:

Share this with another man and have them hold you accountable.


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