“Honey, have you seen how many weeds are growing in the yard?” my wife asked me. “Yea. It’s like they never take a break. I just treated that area the other day.” The weeds in my yard and I are constantly battling. It seems they never let up.
The problem with weeds is the variety and frequency to which they invade my grass. I’ve tried a range of different products and even pulling them out one by one. Some treatments seem to work better for some species of weeds than others. Without fail, when I eradicate one kind, another takes its place.
What I do know are the consequences of not treating the problem in time. I still remember when I dismissed a small patch of weed growth, thinking the “good grass” would “overpower” them. Within a week, that little patch doubled in size, and I had a hard time getting rid of them. Eventually, the weeds took over a large area.
After that, it was impossible to kill the weeds without also sacrificing the remaining grass. The result, a large dead spot that needed new sod or again running the risk of new weeds taking over.
This story reminds me of how we’re in a constant battle against temptations and sin. We can never let our guard down. Sin can start small, but when you ignore it, it can grow beyond your control and eventually kill off parts of your life.
Today take the time today to take inventory of any sin lingering in your life and eradicate it immediately!
Daily Directive:
Answer and Journal the Following
Read and meditate on James 1:13-15.
What sin is lingering in your life, which can eventually lead to destruction? Be real; be honest.
Meditate / Make It Real:
Pray and ask God to search your heart so you may acknowledge any sin buried deep. Confess it and be cleansed. Be specific.
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