I recently wrapped up a devotional with my kids and we were discussing the spiritual world. It was difficult for them to grasp the reality of an unseen world. More difficult was the idea of vision angles helping us out. This reminded me of countless time where I had a close call with getting seriously hurt or even killed were it not for God’s grace.

One of these times was when I as driving down an express way. I was going around 50-60 mph and it was raining. All of a sudden, an aluminum full sized ladder feel of a work truck in front of me. Instinctively I jerked the wheel to the side to avoid the ladder and all of a sudden found myself spinning  in the middle of the freeway. I jerked the other direction and nothing seemed to work. All of a sudden, I saw myself heading directly toward the median way.

I closed my eyes bracing for the worst. When the car stopped, I found myself facing in the direction of traffic and not only avoided the wall, but also not a single car around struck me. I knew this was God and his angles watching and intervening around me, especially since I closed my eyes and had knowingly lost control of the car.


Read and meditate Hebrews 13:2. What do these verses tell you?


What experiences in your life have you seen God’s hand at work beyond your control?

Meditate / Make It Real:

How will you prepare for God to do the miraculous in your life?

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