My eldest is entering into his teens, and changes are starting to occur rather rapidly. These changes are things like personal preferences to music, physical changes, and personality adjustments. During this time, I try to be observant and also remember what it was like for me.

One of the changes I see in him and remember in me is the need to be alone. I remember just wanting to be on my own and not be bothered. As the eldest of three siblings, I always wanted “my own space.” Regrettably, I turned down numerous requests to hang out with my brother and sister.

In time, I finally got what I wanted, and everyone just left me alone. Unfortunately, everyone left me alone. I ended up being influenced by the wrong people and living an unproductive and rebellious life for many years. When I finally returned to the Lord, I discovered companionship and fellowship with other believers was critical.

Realizing this could be a potential problem for the future of my son, I explained to him that he’s part of this family, a pack. I also reminded him of how a lion doesn’t attack an entire herd but rather, the one left behind. The lion’s strategy is always to single out one and isolate them. Therefore, he should be vigilant about how much time he spends by himself.

This story reminds me of how we’re all part of a herd, a pack. When we gave our life to Christ, he brought us into the fold. As part of the flock, he seeks to protect us and guide us in the way we should go. He also emphasizes the importance of us staying united by showing us he’s willing to chase down the one gone astray.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on Matthew 18:12-14 for yourself. 


How often do you gather with other bellievers and if not, what’s stopping you? Be real; be honest.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Pray and ask God to help you find and be part of a brotherhood of men. If you’re reading this, then you’ve found one. Join us by contacting us at

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