The other day my wife, kids and I decided to head to the movies. We were treating the kids to a day out for their good grades and hard effort. With prices of concessions and movie tickets they way they are, I told my wife to take some snacks with us to have during the movie.

My eldest son of twelve told us that was not allowed. I told him that what the theaters meant by food and beverage was warm food and more “complicated” meals. He replied back, “That’s not what it says.” I disagreed and we left for the movies.

When we arrived, I purchased popcorn and soda for my wife and I while the kids had the snacks we brought. My eldest did not have a single snack. After we left the movies he asked for his snack. Surprised, I mentioned I thought he had eaten his doing the movie. My wife told me he had not because he was standing by his conviction.

I then turned around went back in and looked for clarification. Sure enough,a tiny sign, tucked away next to the customer service area stated ” No outside food, drink or snacks of any kind permitted…” I went back, praised him in front of all os us for his integrity and confessed my mistake to the family.

FX3 Challenge:


Read and meditate on Luke 16:10. What does this verse say to you?


What “tiny” situation(s) have you found yourself in which challenge your integrity?

Meditate / Make It Real:

What will you do next time a situation arises which can compromise your integrity?

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