The food was great, the guests fantastic and overall, we had a great time. Many said it would go by in a flash. It seemed everyone had a suggestion as to how we should enjoy our wedding reception. We did in fact enjoy every minute of the day.
Today, my soul mate and I celebrate sixteen years of marriage. I still look back and smile on those days and the years that followed. I want to say everything was rosy after that but like all things worth the time and effort, it’s taken work. I can honestly say there hasn’t been a single day I’ve ever thought of doing life without her. She is truly my soul mate.
I say my soul mate because prior to this, I prayed for her before I even knew her. As part of my return to God, I asked him to bring me a good wife. A woman after God’s own heart. A partner and friend which would understand me and I her.
When we married, we recognized we were making a covenant before God not a contract before man. Contracts can be broken, covenants should not. We vowed to never speak the “D” word, regardless of how we “felt” at times. We were in this for the long haul and there is no other option than to make it work. God has blessed this commitment.
FX3 Challenge:
Read and meditate on Colossians 3:12-17. What do these verses say to you?
Considering the verses above, how does your relationship reflect those verses?
Meditate / Make It Real:
What one thing will you do today to start making those truths a reality in your marriage?