“Come join me outside after breakfast; we’ve got work to do.” As a young teen, I dreaded the weekends. I knew that Saturday meant dad and I were undertaking some big home project. These projects were usually demoing walls, building an addition, repairing some machinery, etc.

As much as I disliked sacrificing my weekends, I learned a lot from my dad over the years. So much so, that when I moved out, I could confidently tackle almost any home project. It’s also one of the reasons my wife was attracted to me (more on this another day).

As an after-hours handyman, I enjoy being able to fix just about anything. Every time there is a repair issue at our house, or family members need home repair help, I’m there. So much so that one year for Father’s Day, my wife and kids gifted me with a mug that reads, “Dad is my name, fixing stuff is my game.”

Lately, however, I’ve felt somewhat defeated. Friends are struggling with their marriages, other friends have significant health issues, challenging family relations and everyday life has become overwhelming. These moments humbly remind me I can’t, nor am I called to “fix” everything.

As men, we sometimes carry an unrealistic burden to “fix” everything. We let our egos override our dependence on God. Scripture, however, tells us differently. The word reminds us there will be times we can’t fix something but instead, need to request help from God.

FX3 Daily D:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on Psalm 69:1-4 for yourself. 


What situation or problems in your life are you trying to fix on your own? Be real; be honest.


Create a plan of action and determine how you will hand these problems over to Christ. Be specific.

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