The one who tells this story best is my sister. I don’t recall every detail but she vividly tells it like this…She recounts the time when we were about nine years to ten years and went over to hang out with some neighborhood friends. As we were playing, one of the boys started to taunt and make fun of her. This continued after she told him to stop.

Upon seeing this, I addressed the boy and told him he needed to stop. He dismissed my requests as well and continued. The next part I do remember. I recall stepping up to him and giving him a final warning, when he did;t I punched him. I don’t recall where exactly but I can still today see him crying.

My sister then starts pulling me away and motioning me for us to go home. I still see her tugging me from behind telling me it was alright. I will admit, I still like hearing her tell this story.

FX3 Challenge:


Read and meditate on Psalm 82:4. What does this verses say to you?


When was the last time you defended someone’s honor?

Meditate / Make It Real:

What will you do when the day comes you need to defend someone’s honor? Who may need that now?

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