Years ago, there was a popular song by the band Scorpions that started with these lyrics:
Have you ever climbed the mountain?
Have you ever crossed the sea?
Take a look around the corner
And listen to your heartbeat

Have you ever touched the rainbow
Take a ride in the ferris wheel
It takes one step to start a journey
It’s up to you, to make it real

This is the time for yourself to be free
You gotta follow your heart
This is the time in your life and it’s never too late
To see the light in the dark
You gotta follow your heart…

This song reminded me of a conversation I had with a fellow brother about knowing God’s will for his life. I asked him how he knew if the decisions he was making were in alignment with what God wanted him to do. “I believe they are because God is opening these doors, and I feel in my heart it’s the right thing to do.”

“Let’s see what the word of God says about this,” I replied. As we read through passages on the subject, he realized his approach was not in alignment with what God was saying. He was erroneously following his “heart,” relying on his emotions for confirmation.

After much discussion and evaluation, he agreed with what we read but unfortunately still chose to follow his feelings. This approach is very predominant in today’s culture, always exclaiming to “follow your heart.” The problem with this is that scripture tells us it’s deceptive and misleading to do so.

The word of God tells us that to make wise and godly decisions, we must be spirit-led. What this means is that we must remain in constant prayer and reading of God’s word. Applying these disciplines will guide us to know and stay in alignment with what God wants us to do.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on Jeremiah 17:9-10


How do you know if you make decisions based on your will or God’s? Be real; be honest.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Pray to ask God to make you receptive and obedient to follow His will regardless of how you feel.

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