We’d been talking about this for quite a while now. Finally, it got to the point where my bud Al couldn’t take the pain. What first started as an inconvenience eventually grew to a painful limp. Over time he’d tolerated the problem because it would increase incrementally, allowing him to adapt.

What finally convinced him was recognizing how much his injury was limiting his potential to live a full life. Also, his friends with similar situations told him how they did it and were grateful. Convinced by his friend’s stories and recognizing he needed to do something, Al decided to have hip surgery.

Al made the appointment, organized his things, and had the surgery. After a successful procedure, we caught up, and I asked him about the situation. “You know, many of my friends told me how they’d had similar issues, but they regretted not doing it sooner. I can now totally understand it. I don’t know why I waited so long, either. I can already feel the difference and can’t wait to get back at doing all those things I couldn’t before.”

Al’s story reminds me how many of us may need spiritual healing in an area of our life that limits us to living our fullest potential. Perhaps it’s unforgiveness, lust, greed, or any lingering sin we won’t let go. Don’t wait another day to hand this over to the great physician Jesus Christ. When you do, he’ll make sure to heal you for more incredible things you never imagined were possible.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on Isaiah 53:4-5


What sin(s) are limiting your life or rendering your life useless? Be real; be honest.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Pray and ask God for forgiveness and to begin the healing. Be specific. Also, commit to reading the Word and praying daily for continued guidance and healing.

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