“Saving Private Ryan” is the story of four brothers who serve and fight in World War II. Unfortunately, three of the four brothers are killed in action almost simultaneously. As was customary, their mother, Mrs. Ryan, was to receive all three telegrams of their deaths on the same day.
Prior to sending those telegrams, United States Army Chief of Staff, George C. Marshall, learns of a fourth brother, Private James Ryan, that is still alive. Wanting to alleviate this mother’s pain, he decides to send out eight men (Captain Miller and select members from 2nd Rangers) to find him and bring him back home.
They fight through enemy lines, lose brothers in the battle and eventually find Private Ryan. Unfortunately Capt. Miller is fatally wounded once they find Private Ryan and as he’s dying, tells Ryan to “Earn this. Earn it”. Apparently meaning that Ryan needs to earn the sacrifices that were made to save him.
Although this makes for a moving scene, this is not what Jesus did for us. He never commanded us to earn our salvation for his sacrifice. Rather, he gave us a gift with no conditions. What an awesome assurance of salvation we have knowing we don’t have to “earn” our way to eternal life!
FX3 Challenge:
Read and meditate on Ephesians 2:8-9. What are these verses saying to you?
How does this sacrifice for us demonstrate the ultimate love?
Meditate / Make It Real:
How will you give your life for others as a demonstration of gratitude for what was first done for you?