Extreme Makeover

Back in 2002, the show Extreme Makeover launched. The show’s premise was to take three ordinary men and women and have them go through an “extreme makeover.” The makeovers usually involved plastic surgery, exercise regimens, hairdressing, and wardrobing. At the end of the episode, the participants’ would “unveil” their new selves to their families and friends. Almost without fail, family members would be amazed at the transformational change of that person. The show ran for nearly five years until they canceled it due to growing controversy.

Many people criticized the show for reinforcing the idea that obtaining a particular body image would solve their problems. The show focused heavily on outward appearances when those individuals had an inside struggle. The show idealized that beauty can only be found through the aid of cosmetic surgeons and other professionals, thus placing ‘beauty’ as a relatively unachievable goal for most people. Rarely did the show expand upon the participant’s individual qualities other than their appearance.

This show is a start contrast to what Scripture says about perfection. The Bible tells us that none of us is perfect nor ever will be in our decaying bodies. Perfection will only come through Christ at our resurrection. Only then will be made perfect in Christ. However, we’re to do the best with what we have until that day and bring glory to God.

We’re perfection in progress but only through the sanctifying blood and work of Christ. So take comfort in knowing that our Extreme Makeover comes from the inside out, not from the outside in.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


2 Peter 1:3-4
His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence,4 by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.


Pray for courage to be obedient to what God calls you to do.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Contemplate and meditate on or memorize the passage. What is God saying to you? Then, determine what you will do with what you’ve learned.

Share / Show:

Share and show what you’ve learned with someone else.

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