In February 2013, while visiting New York, Ruth spent an afternoon walking the streets. She had gone walking trying to sort out the mess her life had become. She was in a nasty divorce, her children had become distant and she felt hopeless. This, a stark contrast to the life she once had complete with a happy family.

As she headed back to her midtown hotel she noticed a sign for $5 psychic readings. Desperate for answers and clarity, she walked up the stairs into a small apartment filled with purple amethysts, crystals and other “mystical” artifacts. At the door she was greeted by a woman with dark hair and thick-framed reading glasses, who went by “Psychic Zoe.”

Over time “Psychic Zoe” manipulated, coerced, frightened, isolated and controlled her way into Ruth’s finances and life. She eventually ended up stealing over $750,000 from her. This, her entire life’s savings. What’s more, none of the promises of restoring her life, marriage and relationships ever materialized. She eventually lost more then money, she lost her dignity, trust and hope.


Read and meditate on 1 John 4:1-6. What do these verses tell you?


Where does your security and faith come from? Who do you turn for answers to life’s trials and tribulations?

Meditate / Make It Real:

What area in your life do you need to stop false beliefs? How will you turn to God for the answers?

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