After completing my reading the other day early in the morning, I headed over to the window. As I peered out into the darkness, I noticed a faint red spot on the horizon. Not sure exactly what it was, I assumed it was a planet.

I guessed it was a planet because I’ve heard somewhere that stars twinkle and planets don’t. When seen with the naked eye, both planets and stars appear as pinpoints of light. However, a star will twinkle, unlike planets that don’t seem to twinkle much at all.

The more I observed the sky, the more I was in awe at its grandeur. Not only could I see that planet, but I started to see much more. Yet knowing it was a planet was still not enough for me. I wanted to know precisely which one. Then I remembered a stargazing app that helps you identify all of the celestial bodies in the sky.

After downloading the app and opening it, I was amazed at what I was seeing. Although I could only see a few stars and planets with my naked eye, the app showed me so much more. It was a precise guide of the sky showing me more than I could ever see on my own. It also gave me descriptions, detailed information, and a perspective of where I stood amongst it all.

This app reminds me we all have access to a fantastic guide for our lives, the Bible. When we casually read the Bible, we get a general idea, but when we dive in deep, the Spirit reveals more that we could ever see on our own. Today take the time to approach the Bible with awe and amazement with the expectation of discovering something great. Who better than the Creator to guide you?

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on Mark 6:1-6.


How often do you read the Bible and when you do, how do you approach it? Be real; be honest.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Pray and ask God to give you a desire to read and understand the Bible. He will honor this request.

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