As I sat at the stop light, something told me to look back into the rearview mirror. There I saw a car approaching faster than usual. At that moment, I knew he wasn’t going to stop in time. All I could do was wait for the impact.

After it was over, I got out and calmly asked the man what happened. “I don’t know. I must have been day dreaming” he replied. He seemed troubled and I told him not to worry. We exchanged information and I assured him that all I was seeking was to repair the bumper. His car however was pretty banged up.

The next day we reconnected and he told me that his repair was going to cost over $5,000 while mine was closer to $1,500. I replied, “We all make mistakes. This is why you have insurance”. Unfortunately they may end up raising his premium, he and I have to go through the inconvenience of the repair process and the car will go on record as crashed.

This is how it is in our life. We have the assurance of salvation and forgiveness of our “mistakes” through Christ but it dosen’t mean we won’t avoid the consequences of our actions.

FX3 Challenge:


Read and meditate on Galatians 6:7-8. What do these verses say to you?


What “mistakes” have you committed which you have not asked for forgiveness?

Meditate / Make It Real:

How will you let or have let God repair dos mistakes?

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