Tim Storms is the man with the Guinness record for the world’s deepest voice. Storms began his singing career in the Christian music shortly after graduating high school. Then, one day, during an impromptu encounter with an ear, nose, and throat specialist at a concert, the singer learned the details behind his record-breaking voice.

“He said that my vocal cords were about twice as long as normal – than he’s used to seeing anyway – and the arytenoid muscles around my vocal cords, they had a lot more movement to them,” Storms said. Due to this, Storms’ vocal range allows him to reach notes as low as G-7 (0.189Hz), eight octaves below the lowest G on the piano.

Storms’ voice is so low that even he can’t hear the low notes his belts out, but only animals as big as elephants can. “I can feel them, though,” he told reporters. “I kind of hear them in my head as far as the sound my vocal cords are making but, as far as the frequencies, it’s something more or less that I feel.”

Tim’s story reminds me of what scripture says about hearing and knowing God’s voice. Jesus confidently proclaimed that his followers would hear his voice and follow him where others wouldn’t. Today take the time to sit in silence and meditate on God’s word to listen to His voice.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on John 10:25-30


How can you know for sure you’re hearing Jesus’ voice? Be real; be honest.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Hearing God’s voice starts with reading scripture. Afterward, pray and ask Jesus to make you attuned to His voice.

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