As I neared three miles, I started to feel pain and cramps on the sides of my quads and around the knees. That day I woke up determined to go for a run. It had been a long week, and I felt the need to run off the stress.

I’m not a distance runner but rather a sprinter. For this reason, I prefer “explosive” sports such as cycling, football, high-intensity training, and obstacle races. However, that day I felt the need to run.

As my body started to ache, I kept pushing to go further. I know from experience that when I pass a certain pain threshold, I can go a longer distance. The issue, however, was it had been years since I last ran this far, and my “running” legs were starting to betray me.

Regardless of the aches and pain, I kept running. I made adjustments to my stride but, most importantly, told myself my legs were lying to me. I then visualized my return home step by step. There were a few times I wanted to stop running and walk, but that was not what I had envisioned.

Eventually, I made it back home, having completed a five-mile run. As I stood there, cramped, sweaty, and exhausted, I also had an overwhelming sense of accomplishment and victory.

My story reminds me we are all in a race, whether we know it or not. Some of us are walking, others sprinting, and yet others standing waiting for someone to take them across the finish line we call life. Yes, it will be hard and sometimes challenging to find our pace, regardless, we are all called to run our best because God is ready to reward us for a good race when we all cross the finish line!

Daily Directive:


Read and meditate on 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 for yourself. Meditate on them, memorize them, do whatever it takes for them to sink in.


How do you know your life is heading in the right direction? Journal the journey. Be real. Be honest.

Meditate / Make It Real:

How does your answer compare with the word of God? How can you be sure the veil is lifted from you eyes? Share this with that fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.

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