As newlyweds, my wife and I joined a young married couples group. At that time, we were are all recently married and starting our new stages in life. We made many good friends during those times, some of which we’re still in contact with today.

In time, however, our life situations changed. Some moved away, others went to other churches, and many of us started having kids. One couple, however, found struggle in conceiving.

As we all had one child after another, they sat on the sidelines watching. During those years, they tried many different things. Day after day and year after year, it would just not happen. They endured much heartache and disappointment.

Their faith was stretched to the limit when one day, they decided they would no longer struggle with this. They told us when that day came; they handed it all over to God. They made their petition and waited for God to do the impossible if it was His will.

Sometime later, they welcomed their beautiful baby girl into the world. Today they look back on this decision as a miraculous test of their faith and God’s grace in making room for miracles.

FX3 Fuel For Pray:


Read and meditate on Luke 18:27. What does this verse say to you?


What impossible obstacle are you facing today or have you face, and what are you doing or did you do about it? Journal it.

Meditate / Make It Real:

When would be a good time to hand over the impossible to God and have him take care of it? Share this with a fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.

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