Growing up, I have fond memories of having our family conversations recorded. The reason is because, at the time, it was very costly to make an overseas call. The phone companies used to charge a lot of money by the minute. As a result, we only called my grandparents and immediate family for a couple of minutes and only on special occasions.

Considering this, my mother and father figured out a way to have very long conversations without the expensive calls. They asked my sister and me questions, and they also recounted events in their lives. The tapes ended up running almost an hour long!

Afterward, they would seal them up and mail them to my grandparents. In a couple of weeks, they would receive the message and eagerly record their tape and send one back to us.

This story reminds me of the awesome gift our Father has given us. He’s given us the gift of prayer. Prayer is the ability to communicate with Him wherever we are and at whatever time we need. We must cherish this gift and make the most of it because it’s the only one of it’s kind.

Daily Directive:


Read and meditate on Jeremiah 29:12-13. What do these verses say to you?


How often are you in prayer and what do you pray about? Journal it.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Plan and determine how you will make time to pray daily.

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