When I became a U.S. citizen almost 35 years ago, I received a new passport. My passport is a form of identity listing all of my physical characteristics and affirmation by the U.S. government that I am a full-fledged citizen.

The new passport didn’t change my name, ethnicity, or cultural background. What did change is that I now travel around the world and identify as a U.S. citizen. I’m a citizen with the same rights as any other citizen, whether born in the U.S. or naturalized.

Many of us live our lives, thinking we’re still citizens of this world, living by this world’s rule. We get caught up with the distractions and insignificant issues of the world and lost sight of our real home.

We forget we are citizens of God’s kingdom. If you think about it, as reborn Christians, we’re all aliens in a foreign land. We’re just here visiting. The world we inhabit is not our final place!

When our time on earth completed, we’ll get an exit stamp on our “Kingdom of God” passport and head home. It’s time we started to identify and live out our true citizenship, complete with all the rights, privileges, power, and access afforded us by our heavenly Father.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on Philippians 3:20-21 for yourself. 


What citizenship do you identify with? Be real, be honest.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Create a plan of action on how you will start living and using your kingdom citizenship. Be specific.

Share / Show:

Share this with another man and have them hold you accountable.


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