Not long ago, I wrote about having issues with my computer. The problem was concerning a time when my wife went to turn it on. As the computer booted up, the screen was black although it seemed to be running. As I clicked around, I could hear the computer working but could not see it happening.

After doing some extensive research, I concluded it must be the video card because older iMacs are notorious for lousy video cards. I went ahead and purchased one, which arrived a week later. At first, the task of dismantling the computer seemed daunting. There were so many cables, wires, and screws. After reviewing some videos online from reputable people who already did this, I felt confident to tackle the problem.

I followed all the recommended steps and completed the replacement. I then plugged in the computer and pressed the power button. As I waited and pushed the button a few more times, nothing happened. Disappointed, I went back and retraced my steps, taking it all apart again. When I finally got to the “heart” or CPU of the computer, I realized a connection which powers the CPU was disconnected.

This time after reassembling the computer, it powered up and was back up and running like new.

This story reminds me of how we can all have the right parts, take the right steps, and have the proper instructions to live a successful life. However, if you disconnect your heart from our power source, Jesus Christ, nothing else will work as it should. For this reason, we must pray, read the bible, and journal daily.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on John 15:1-8 for yourself. 


What or who’s your source of power? Be real; be honest.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Pray and ask God to help you connect with Christ to provide you the power to live a fulfilling and fruitful. Ask him for help to remove what’s not. Be specific.

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