A few years ago, I was at a crossroads in my life. The business I had built up over 15 years was now on the brink of closing. During this time, I had also started to give more of my time to work in the ministry. I found it challenging to determine which direction to go.

During that time, I prayed earnestly for direction. I continually asked God to show me the way. Finally, one day I submitted to His will. I decided that day I was going to give it all to God. I was ready to surrender the business and do whatever he called me to do.

Surprisingly, this was not what he had in mind. The business would not close. He continued to bring in new clients and, it began to prosper. We streamlined operations and increased profitability. The miracle in all this was that within a few years, He made it possible for me to make more money than before but also more time for His ministry.

Today the business continues to operate in the same way and, he is blessing both endeavors. More importantly, I continue to surrender to Him daily and am ready to do whatever he calls me to do. I’ve found peace in change because I know He’s got it.

FX3 Challenge:


Read and meditate on Proverbs 16:3. What does this verse say to you?


What big or small plans have you made?

Meditate / Make It Real:

How will you or do you include God in those plans?

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