Lately, we’ve all been experiencing the challenges with the worldwide pandemic. Countries and governments are attempting to stem the tide of infection. This challenge had led many to self-quarantine and isolation.

According to the CDC, isolation is the act of separating sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick. Self quarantining is the act of separating and restricting the movement of people who were exposed to an infectious disease to see if they become sick.

As we deal with this new reality, we must also acknowledge a similar fact among many Christians I term “Quarantined Christianity.” My definition of Quarantined Christianity is the act of separating and restricting the sharing of your faith with others.

We usually do this by attending services on a Sunday and living a different life on Monday. We also hesitate to share the work of God in our lives and our relationship to Christ. In essence, we keep our faith to ourselves.

Now more than ever, the world needs the hope and encouragement that only Christ can provide. A few ways we can share our faith is by helping others, giving an encouraging message, and showing compassion. All of these acts afford us an opportunity for others to see Christ in us and through us so that we may share the good news with them.

FX3 Fuel For Pray:


Read and meditate on 1 Peter 3:15-16. What do these verses say to you?


How do you share or have you shared your faith with others lately? Journal it.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Determine how you can be deliberate, so others see Christ in you. Share this with a fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.

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