As we discussed things we value most, fellow FX3® brother Jesus pointed to a collection of surfboards neatly organized on a stand behind him. He mentioned how he’d invested thousands of dollars over the years and how each board has a specific purpose and story. However, one specifically was most significant to him.

While stationed in Hawaii, he was hanging out at a friend’s house. Somehow the conversation came around to surfboards, and his friend mentioned there was an old damaged board in the rafters of his garage. Curious, Jesus asked to see it.

To his amazement, the board was an original ’75 Robert August Wing Pintail Single Fin. It appeared the board was also in desperate need of repair and restoration. He asked his friend if he could have it in order to bring the board back to life. His friend agreed.

For the next year, Jesus poured blood and sweat into restoring the board. He took an enormous amount of time, attention, money, and resources to repair it accurately. He finally completed the restoration and since then enjoyed every minute with it. Not surprisingly, he continues doing maintenance and takes excellent care of it.

When asked what makes it so important, Jesus replied, “It’s a unique board from a time when boards were meticulously hand made by someone passionate about the sport. Each board is one of a kind, reflecting it’s creator and designer. It’s a collectible.”

His story reminds me of how Jesus Christ is the same as us. Some have been broken, beaten, and shelved on the rafters of life. Scripture, however, tells us we’re all unique creations waiting to be restored by Jesus. When we are, we fulfill the purpose of our creation.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on Isaiah 40:28-31 for yourself. 


What area or areas in your life need restoring? Be real; be honest.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Pray and create a plan on how you will allow Jesus to restore your life or areas of your life.

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Share this with that fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.


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