A couple of month’s ago I put together a wish list. It was a wish list to challenge myself and God to do the miraculous. On this list was all of the remaining equipment we needed for the FX3™ retreat. Everything from costly camping equipment to little incidentals. As with all things related to God’s grace, he came through. It turns out that not only was my faith rewarded but also others’ obedience beyond their knowing.

The equipment which was donated to us came from a righteous, Godly man who also had been faithfully praying. It turns out almost 10 years ago when she got divorced, she struggled to take all her children on vacation. At that time, her bosses mentioned camping as a viable option for her and her family. In order to help her out, they gave her $500. With that she bought all she needed and enjoyed years of making joyful memories.

In time her children grew up and moved out. Their season of camping was over and she started to pray about what to do with the equipment. She was then moved to donate it to others to use just as it was donated to her. She was then led to a call to a friend. That friend knew exactly who to give it to…me. Turns out her friend is my friend and faithful colleague in the faith and knew the work I was doing.

The equipment was a much needed blessing and answered prayer which started years before I even knew I was going to launch this initiative. Not only were we blessed by her donation but she was initially blessed by her bosses. Now her bosses’ obedience will be blessed for the impact they are making in other men’s lives through our obedience.



Read and meditate on Hebrews 11. What do these verses tell you?


How have you seen God work through you or for you through others?

Meditate / Make It Real:

How are you stepping out in faith today to do what God has called you do?


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