Today I’m reminded of a story of husband and wife who were on their way to visit a friend’s home. As they drove through the winding roads, they came upon a familiar bridge. Unknowingly to them, in the opposite direction, another person was texting while driving.

Seeing the car starting to swerve into their lane, Bill turned sharply to the right. This reaction caused the vehicle to go off the edge of the bridge and into the water. As they struggled to break free, Bill managed first to free Kate’s seat belt. Unfortunately, Bill did not make it.

This story reminds me of the great sacrifice Christ made for us. Upon seeing our imminent death because of our sin, he selflessly laid down his life for us. He gave all, even to his last breath, so that we could live.

Daily Directive:


Read and meditate on Romans 3:23-25 for yourself. What do these verses say to you?


What does it mean to you that Christ gave his life for you? Be honest, be real.

Meditate / Make It Real:

What will you do to accept this once in a lifetime gift and share it with others? Share this with a fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.

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