Years ago, I needed to hire a graphic designer to fill a vacancy in the agency. As always, I first reached out to the local schools to give graduating students a opportunity. After submitting the opening, we started receiving resumes from interested graduates. During that time, I also received a recommendation from the school’s placement advisor. She spoke highly of him, and I decided to interview him.

As part of my interview process, I first have a casual conversation over coffee outside the office. If the candidate has potential, I then arrange for them to meet the rest of the team to get their feedback. When he arrived for his interview, he appeared quiet but confident. He brought his portfolio in hand and placed it on the table. We reviewed the work, I asked him some questions, and he asked a few as well.

I was impressed by his work and commitment to quality and then suggested he meet the team. Upon saying this, he seemed uncertain, and nervously said, “I have to tell you something before this interview goes further.” “Sure, what is it?” I said. “I’ve was arrested and have a criminal record.” Somewhat perplexed, “For what?” I asked. “Well, I got caught doing graffiti on trains. I got put in jail but paid my fines and cleaning up that area of my life.”

The more we talked, the more I realized he wanted a new start. Something in me decided to give him that chance. In time, I learned more about him and the impact on his life of losing his father at a young age. I also took the opportunity to share with him God’s love.

Kevin ended up being one of the best employees I had. He did stellar work, helped launch a new division within the company, and eventually saved up enough to buy himself a house. After a few years, he decided he needed a significant change and moved across the country. Every once in a while, we reconnect on some projects.

His story reminds me how all of us have the potential to start over. It also reminds me of how we can also be that person who helps someone else start over. Because God is graceful and merciful to us, we should display that grace and mercy to others.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on Ephesians 4:32.


What person(s) in your life deserve the grace you’ve already been given? Pray and ask God to show you.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Determine how will show grace and mercy to the person. What’s you plan of action?

Share / Show:

Share and show what you’ve learned with someone else.


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