Growing up, my father ingrained into me how to “seek.” Whenever I would ask him where something was, he would say, “Go look for it until you find it.” Or if he called me to get something for him, and I came back empty-handed, he’d make me go back and look again.

These exchanges went on for many years until one day; he called me to find a tool for him. I went and feverishly searched. I emptied the drawer and examined all the contents in the drawer but didn’t find it.

When I returned, I confidently told him it was not there. “It must be there. I know it,” he said. “It’s not,” I replied. “I’ll find it,” he said. Sure enough, he looked and looked, and it was not there.

He then turned to me and said, “You’re right. It’s not here”. At that moment, I realized I had graduated and earned my “seeker” degree.

My story aligns with what scripture says God calls us to do. He tells us first to ask, then seek and then knock. When we need or want something, we’re not to sit around and wait for it.

We’re to go out and seek it!

Daily Directive:


Read and meditate on Luke 11:9-10. What do these verses say to you?


What are you currently asking God for?

Meditate / Make It Real:

Considering these verses, what is your part in asking God for something? Share this with a fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.

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