When I was about eight years old, my parents, sister, and I took a trip overseas to visit our family. One of my fondest memories was visiting one of my grandfathers. As we talked, I discovered he was a tailor. His business was creating custom made suits for clients. I still remember walking into his shop and surveying all of the fabrics, molds, white chalk, and measuring tapes.

Before returning home, he promised he was going to make me a custom made suit. He took many measurements. These measurements included arm length, waist, chest, inseam, neck, etc. He then told me he had everything he needed.

Within a few weeks, he had my suit ready for our trip back home. It fit perfectly, and off we went.

This story reminds me of how our trials are always tailor-made just for us. God is deliberate and has a purpose for our times of trouble. When we start seeing our trials as made for us, we’ll discover reason and strength to persevere.

FX3 Fuel For Pray:


Read and meditate on 1 Peter 5:10. What does this verse say to you?


What trials are you currently facing? Journal it.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Determine how seeing your trial as tailor made will help you preserve. Share this with a fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.

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