The hustle and bustle of the holidays can sometimes leave us overwhelmed. Years ago, it used to be that all shopping took place in the store; online shopping was not an option. People would descend on shopping malls like the faithful on a pilgrimage. The other day I was reminded of this when I came across the corny movie Jingle All The Way while channel surfing.

In the movie, workaholic fathers Howard Langston (Schwarzenegger) and postal worker Myron Larabee (Sinbad) are desperate to buy a Turbo-Man action figure for their sons on a last-minute shopping spree on Christmas Eve. As we follow their quest to acquire this much-coveted toy, there are seas of people shopping and running around in the background. Not surprisingly, this satire about the commercialization of Christmas drew inspiration from real-life Christmas toy sell-outs. 

Throughout the movie, the men fight tooth and nail at to get their hands on a Turbo-Man. At the heart of it, each man seeks the approval and love of their children by buying what they desire the most. Desperate, they eventually find themselves battling fiercely over the toy. Without spoiling the ending, each man ultimately rediscovers the meaning of Christmas, but it comes at a hefty price.

As we prepare to celebrate, Christmas let’s take the time to remind ourselves what the day is all about. God loved us so much that He sent His only son to die for our sins. This selfless and furious act of love is proof we will never outgive God. What’s more, he loved us at or worse and loves us still at our best. That’s the best gift we will ever receive.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on Romans 5:8-10.


Pray and ponder the depth of God’s love, for when you wanted nothing to do with Him, yet He still wanted you.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Determine how you will remind yourself and live, knowing His love for you is greater than anything you will ever know. How will you live your life according to this truth?

Share / Show:

Share and show what you’ve learned with someone else.


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