During the first years of our marriage, my wife and I decided to take a trip to my native country, Chile. We chose to split the journey into visiting family and then touring the southern part of the country. I’d never gone that far south, and we thought it would be great to see it all by car.

Without a definitive plan, we rented a car in the city and roughly plotted a few towns of interest we would visit on the way down. The idea was to drive until we felt like stopping. We didn’t have hotel reservations or a clue as to what awaited us in each town. The only rule was we would drive down for a week and then turn around.

The idea of traveling without plans and wherever the day took us was great. Every day was a day of adventure and discovery. At every town we stopped, we first looked for a place to stay and then toured the city on foot. This impromptu style worked great until we arrived at one town late in the evening to find summer was in full swing. Unfortunately, this meant all hotels, motels, and hostels were booked.

We drove around the entire city looking for a place to stay. Everywhere we stopped, they referred us to another site that may have occupancy. Finally, shortly after midnight, we found a small motel at the end of town and crashed for the night. It wasn’t the ideal accommodations, but a warm shower and a clean bed make all the difference in the world.

This story reminds how, when Jesus sent out his disciplines, he instructed them to take only the essential and nothing more. He wanted them to rely on his provision and power to accomplish his will. His concern is not with the worldly but heavenly. We need to go out and make the gospel first in our lives so others may glorify Him. The rest is a welcomed blessing.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on Mark 6:7-12


How do you rely on Jesus for your everyday needs? Be real; be honest.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Pray and ask God how to make his kingdom first and how to trust he will provide for your needs. Be specific.

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Share this with a fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.


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