Many, many years ago, I was browsing through some boxes in a garage sale when I discovered this exciting book. As I quickly skimmed the pages, it had great information on survival skills, supplies, way-finding, and more.

After looking through a few pages, it seemed I had come across the “Official Boy Scout Handbook.” I didn’t realize it at first because the cover was missing, but upon closer examination, it became clear who the contents were who, and for what purpose.

Even though I never joined the Boy Scouts, I learned a lot from this handbook over the years. Occasionally I go back and re-read sections and am now sharing it with my young sons.

This story reminds me of how we have a copy of the ultimate survival handbook, the bible. It’s full of lessons, advice, history, direction, and more. We need to take the time to familiarize ourselves with all the content and apply it.

Daily Directive:


Read and meditate on 2 Timothy 3:16 for yourself. What does this verse say to you?


What handbook do you use for surviving life’s challenges? Journal the journey. Be real. Be honest with yourself.

Meditate / Make It Real:

What will you do today to start making the bible your “go-to” handbook? Share this with a fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.

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