There’s a story of a priest who gave a fiery sermon on the consequences of sin. The congregation sat still as he delivered what he believed to be one of the most convicting and powerful sermons of his time in ministry. Immediately after, he was at the door greeting the congregation as they left.
As he said his goodbye and shook hands, an older woman approached him. With a smile and confident look about her, she confessed to him, “I have lived a pure and sinless life for almost thirty years.”. He looked at her and replied, “That’s great. Only three more years and you would have broken the longest standing record.”
This story reminds me of the way we sometimes view our sins. We tend to categorize sins into small, significant, or severe and more dangerously believe we never sin. Yet the word of God tells us “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Take the time to examine your heart daily and take a posture of humility. In this way, God will reveal and forgive even the sins even you didn’t know you were harboring.
FX3 Challenge:
Read and meditate on Psalm 139. What do these verses say to you?
How do you view your sins in light of what God say?
Meditate / Make It Real:
What does confessing your sins to God daily look like? What do you say?