Immediately after speaking with her, I drove over to pick-up the equipment. A generous woman from our church decided to donate a great deal of camping equipment for our men’s retreat. Supplies included a portable kitchen, dining shelter, supplies, sleeping bags, storage, and a much needed eight-person tent.

After thanking her and picking up the equipment, I went home and regrouped with a fellow team leader to evaluate the equipment. We took it all apart, inspected it, and tested a few items. The much-needed eight-person tent was the only questionable item. It appeared to have layers of weathered panels from use and time. We sprayed it with weatherproofing spray and hoped for the best.

On our next retreat, we used all of the equipment donated, and the leadership team used the eight-person tent. That night we set up the tent without issue. Unfortunately, it started to rain, and it became apparent the tent was in much worse condition than we anticipated. It started leaking water all around and soaking certain parts.

The next morning, we took the tent down, kept the tent’s functioning parts, and threw away the rest. That same day we drove out and purchased a new one to replace the old.

Our story reminds me we too have tents that are weathering and will eventually be discarded. Although our bodies are breaking down, we will ultimately be assigned a glorious eternal one. For now, we do the best with what we have as we continue to travel this world doing the will of God.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on 2 Corinthians 5:1-10


What are you doing with your body now that glorifies God? Be real; be honest.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Pray and ask God to guide you on how to use your body to accomplish His will before it’s discarded. Be specific.

Share / Show:

Share this with a fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.


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