When my kids were younger, their grade school teachers would reward good behavior by allowing them to pick something from the “treasure box.” The treasure box was a plastic container that held a variety of different toys and trinkets the teacher had collected over time.

The box included toys from the lost and found, some purchased by the teacher, and some donated. I still remember my kids coming home happy when they got to pick something from the treasure box.

Similarly, we should consider our life a treasure box full of “treasures.” Our lives are a collection of treasured moments and experiences like lessons learned, challenges overcome, knowledge acquired, and much more.

However, scripture tells us that these treasures we’ve acquired are not to be stored and buried with us when we go. They’re to be shared with others, and in exchange, God is storing up better treasures for us in heaven.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the following


Read and meditate on 2 Corinthians 4:7-9. What do these verses say to you?


Take an inventory of your “treasures.” These could be material things, talents, experiences, etc.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Plan and determine how will you share your “treasures” with others.

Share / Show:

Start by share with a fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.

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