Late in my last year of 6th grade there was an issue with our neighborhood and needed to sell our home. At this time my parents decided it would be best to move into an apartment to save up money for something better. In order to save even more, we moved into a not so great part of town.

This big change also brought about big problems. During this time I got in with the wrong crowd at school. They seemed like a fun group of guys but looking back, they all lacked good judgment. In time, my conduct and academic grades significantly dropped and for the first time ever, I got a “D” in P.E. (physical education). This was a stark contrast to my previous school where I had won numerous athletic awards and top grades in P.E.

Eventually my parents realized this place and the friends I had made in school were getting me nowhere fast and decided to look for a new place in a better part of town. Afterwards, I was back to being a stellar student and went on to attend magnet schools and had great success in school.

FX3 Challenge:


Read and meditate on 2 Chronicles 10-18. What do these verses say to you?


Who are your trusted advisors?

Meditate / Make It Real:

How how their advice helped or harmed you? How does it compare with what God says?

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