Ask any guy at random to describe a “real man,” and he’s more than likely to describe a handsome man with a successful career, adventurous, strong, brave, confident, well dressed, and with an adoring woman by his side. Although many of these attributes are admirable, most of our perception of a “real man” comes from advertising, TV, movies, and other mass media messages.

I don’t know about you, but as a real man, I’m filled with flaws and shortcomings and struggle with insecurities, doubts, fear, and failed expectations. Over the years, I’ve learned to deal with all these characteristics and issues as part of my manhood. As a result, I’ve also gained confidence, bravery, and other strengths.

Through all this, I’ve learned that regardless of our imperfection, as men, we’re responsible for modeling the very best a man can offer. As men with deficiencies and challenges, we can also live victoriously and with honor only through Jesus Christ.

When I read the bible, all men struggled with something, from adultery to drinking, greed, theft, thievery, etc. On every page, you’ll find a flawed man. What I discovered is that real men seek the Lord and submit to His authority.

FX3 Daily D:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on Ephesians 5:1-10 for yourself. 


What’s your definition of a real man? Be real; be honest.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Create a plan of action on how you will align under God’s vision for you as a man. What will it take? Be specific.

Share / Show:

Share this with another man and have them hold you accountable.


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