Over the years, I’ve held different roles and responsibilities in the church. I’ve done my best to walk in obedience when God has called, and I’ve learned never to say “no” when asked to volunteer until I’ve prayed over it. Recently, my pastor offered an exciting and honorable role.

I contemplated and prayed over the role for a little over a week until I received confirmation. “Pastor, I greatly appreciate the consideration, but at this moment, I need to focus on what God has tasked me with, ministering to men,” I said. “Carlos, I can appreciate that, and thank you for considering this, but more so, your focus and dedication on what God is calling you to do,” he replied. He then followed up with an interesting story.

“A mentor once recounted this story to me in regards to obedience and focus. A man with a wheelbarrow was handed a small rock by God and placed in his wheelbarrow. God then instructed him to go up the top of the hill with the rock. The man then asked God if that was it, and he confirmed that was all he wanted him to do.

As the man pushed up the hill, he encountered another man who asked him why he only had a rock when he had a brick. He then told the man he should also carry a brick along with his rock. So the man agreed and added a brick to his wheelbarrow. The man continued climbing and encountered different men, all willing to add to his wheelbarrow, and agreed with all of them.

When the man finally arrived at the top, he was exhausted and spent, barely inching his way there. At the top he met God who was waiting for him. “I’m so exhausted from this assignment you gave me God. It was so much to bear.” God then asked why his wheelbarrow was so full when he only asked him to carry a rock.”

This story reminds me we all have a purpose and God-given mission, but we tend to add on more than we should. Although there may be a lot “good” things out there, you need to make sure it’s the right thing for you by asking if it’s in alignment with His will for your life.

Daily Directive:

Answer and Journal the Following


Read and meditate on Acts 13:1-6 for yourself. 


What’s in your wheelbarrow? Be real; be honest.

Meditate / Make It Real:

Pray and ask God to help you identify if you’re carrying the right things in your wheelbarrow. Ask him for help to remove what’s not. Be specific.

Share / Show:

Share this with that fellow brother and have them hold you accountable.


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